Empowering Digital Health Solutions

We provide customized diagnosis and treatment of tropical febrile diseases solutions for hospital, helping them improve the outcome of patients with care that is optimised by doctors

What We Do

We provide diagnosis systems for tropical febrile diseases, that make it easier to run your hospital.


Every detail on the medical platform can be customized and edited according to your individual specifications and needs.


We are committed to providing Reliability with our Quality Assurance team focused on dependability and efficiency.


Our products are both flexible in payments with one-offs and monthly subscriptions because we put the user first.

About Us

Febra Diagnostica is software for the diagnosis and treatment of tropical febrile diseases in Nigeria.

It has a powerful, but simple user interface to enable usage by frontline health workers and other younger physicians. While automating the diagnosis and treatment processes, it empowers the user to make the final diagnosis/treatment decision. It also automates the referral and further investigation process. This system will ultimately revolutionize access to healthcare for people living in resource-scarce settings in low-to-middle income countries and travel clinics in developed countries.

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If you wish to delete your account, please follow these steps:

  1. Open the app and navigate to the settings.
  2. Locate the option to Reset application.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the account deletion process.
  4. After, send an email to febradiagnostica@gmail.com with "Request for Account Deletion YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID_HERE" as a subject

Upon account deletion, all personal data associated with your account will be permanently removed from our servers.

You will receive an email notification about your successful account deletion.

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Contact us now, and we are ready to do what you want

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